quinta-feira, julho 22, 2004

Tabela de caracteres especiais de HTML

18. Tabela de caracteres especiais

O conjunto completo de cracteres iso-8859-1 (comimente chamado de latin-1) é suportado pelo html. Esses caracteres são usados em varias línguas latinas. Entretanto, em função de diferenças nos caracteres suportados por cada teclado, a maioria não pode ser digitada diretamente no documento html. Porisso o html suporta dois mecanismos para a inserção destes caracteres especiais. Todos os caracteres podem ser inseridos em um documento html, referenciando através de seu número no conjunto iso-8859-1 ou usando um nome mais fácil de ser lembrado :

Ó and ó

both reference the same character - Ó - but generally the ó would be easier to remember.

the table below lists all of the iso-8859-1 character set, together with their numeric entity reference and where supported, the named entity reference.

	-horizontal tabspace

-line feedspace
!-exclamation mark!
""quotation mark"
#-number sign#
$-dollar sign$
%-percent sign%
(-left parenthesis(
)-right parenthesis)
+-plus sign+
.-period (full stop).
/-solidus (slash)/
0-9-digits (0-9)0 - 9
&#60;&lt;less than<
&#61;-equals sign=
&#62;&gt;greater than>
&#63;-question mark?
&#64;-commercial at@
&#65;-&#90;-upper case a-za - z
&#91;-left square bracket[
&#92;-reverse solidus (backslash)\
&#93;-right square bracket]
&#95;-horizontal bar_
&#96;-acute accent`
&#97;-&#122;-lower case a-za - z
&#123;-left curly brace{
&#124;-vertical bar|
&#125;-right curly brace}
&#160;&nbsp;non-breaking space 
&#161;&iexcl;inverted exclamation¡
&#162;&cent;cent sign¢
&#163;&pound;pound sterling sign£
&#164;&curren;general currency sign¤
&#165;&yen;yen sign¥
&#166;&brvbar;broken vertical bar¦
&#167;&sect;section sign§
&#168;&uml;umlaut (dierisis)¨
&#170;&ordf;feminine ordinalª
&#171;&laquo;left angle quote, guillemot left«
&#172;&not;not sign¬
&#173;&shy;soft hyphen­
&#174;&reg;registered trademark®
&#175;&macr;macron accent¯
&#176;&deg;degree sign°
&#177;&plusmn;plus or minus±
&#178;&sup2;superscript two²
&#179;&sup3;superscript three³
&#180;&acute;acute accent´
&#181;&micro;micro signµ
&#182;&para;paragraph sign¶
&#183;&middot;middle dot·
&#185;&sup1;superscript one¹
&#186;&ordm;masculine ordinalº
&#187;&raquo;right angle quote, guillemot right»
&#188;&frac14;fraction (one quarter)¼
&#189;&frac12;fraction (one half)½
&#190;&frac34;fraction (three quarters)¾
&#191;&iquest;inverted question mark¿
&#192;&agrave;capital a, grave accentÀ
&#193;&aacute;capital a, acute accent�
&#194;&acirc;capital a, circumflex accentÂ
&#195;&atilde;capital a, tildeÃ
&#196;&auml;capital a, umlaut (dierisis)Ä
&#197;&aring;capital a, ringÃ…
&#198;&aelig;capital ae dipthong (ligature)Æ
&#199;&ccedil;capital c, cedillaÇ
&#200;&egrave;capital e, grave accentÈ
&#201;&eacute;capita e, acute accentÉ
&#202;&eirc;capital e, circumflex accentÊ
&#203;&euml;capital e, umlaut (dierisis)Ë
&#204;&igrave;capital i, grave accentÌ
&#205;&iacute;capital i, acute accent�
&#206;&icirc;capital i, circumflex accentÃŽ
&#207;&iuml;capital i, umlaut (dierisis)�
&#208;&eth;capital eth, icelandic�
&#209;&ntilde;capital n, tildeÑ
&#210;&ograve;capital o, grave accentÃ’
&#211;&oacutecapital o, acute accentÓ
&#212;&ocirc;capital o, circumflex accentÔ
&#213;&otilde;capital o, tildeÕ
&#214;&ouml;capital o, umlaut (dierisis)Ö
&#215;&times;multiply sign×
&#216;&oslash;capital o, slashØ
&#217;&ugravecapital u, grave accentÙ
&#218;&uacute;capital u, acute accentÚ
&#219;&ucirc;capital u, circumflex accentÛ
&#220;&uuml;capital u, umlaut (dierisis)Ü
&#221;&yacute;capital y, acute accent�
&#222;&thorn;capital thorn, icelandicÞ
&#223;&szlig;small sharp s, german (sz ligature)ß
&#224;&agrave;small a, grave accentà
&#225;&aacute;small a, acute accentá
&#226;&acirc;small a, circumflex accentâ
&#227;&atilde;small a, tildeã
&#228;&aumlsmall a, umlaut (dierisis)ä
&#229;&aring;small a, ringå
&#230;&aelig;small ae dipthong (ligature)æ
&#231;&ccedil;small c, cedillaç
&#232;&egrave;small e, grave accentè
&#233;&eacute;small e, acute accenté
&#234;&ecirc;small e, circumflex accentê
&#235;&euml;small e, umlaut (dierisis)ë
&#236;&igrave;small i, grave accentì
&#237;&iacute;small i, acute accentí
&#238;&icirc;small i, circumflex accentî
&#239;&iuml;small i, umlaut (dierisis)ï
&#240;&eth;small eth, icelandicð
&#241;&ntilde;small n, tildeñ
&#242;&ograve;small o, grave accentò
&#243;&oacute;small o, acute accentó
&#244;&ocirc;small o, circumflex accentô
&#245;&otilde;small o, tildeõ
&#246;&ouml;small o, umlaut (dierisis)ö
&#247;&divide;division sign÷
&#248;&oslash;small o, slashø
&#249;&ugrave;small u, grave accentù
&#250;&uacute;small u, acute accentú
&#251;&ucirc;small u, circumflex accentû
&#252;&uuml;small u, umlaut (dierisis)ü
&#253;&yacute;small y, acute accentý
&#254;&thorn;small thorn, icelandicþ
&#255;&yuml;small y, umlaut (dierisis)ÿ
&#338;&oelig;latin capital oe (ligature)Œ
&#339;&oelig;latin small oe (ligature)œ
&#352;&scaron;capital s with caronŠ
&#353;&scaron;small s with caronš
&#376;&yuml;capital y with dierisisŸ
&#710;&circ;circumflex accentˆ
&#732;&tilde;small tilde˜
&#8211;&ndash;en dash–
&#8212;&mdash;em dash—
&#8216;&lsquo;left single quotation mark‘
&#8217;&rsquo;right single quotation markÂ’
&#8218;&sbquo;single low-9 quotation mark‚
&#8220;&ldquo;left double quotation mark“
&#8221;&rdquo;right double quotation mark”
&#8222;&bdquo;double low-9 quotation mark„
&#8225;&dagger;double dagger‡
&#8240;&permil;per mille (thousand) sign‰
&#8249;&lsaquo;single left-pointing angle quotation mark‹
&#8250;&rsaquo;single right-pointing angle quotation mark›
&#8364;&euro;euro sign*€

* = only the numeric character reference (i.e. &#8364;) is supported at the time of writing.

the following character references are largely unsupported at the time of writing, but are included in the html 4.0 specification. as both netscape and microsoft have pledged to support the full html 4.0 standard, their support can be expected.

&#402;&fnof;florin (latin small f with hook)ƒ
&#913;&alpha;greek capital alphaΑ
&#914;&beta;greek capital betaΒ
&#915;&gamma;greek capital gammaΓ
&#916;&delta;greek capital deltaΔ
&#917;&epsilon;greek capital epsilonΕ
&#918;&zeta;greek capital zetaΖ
&#919;&eta;greek capital etaΗ
&#920;&theta;greek capital thetaΘ
&#921;&iota;greek capital iotaΙ
&#922;&kappa;greek capital kappaΚ
&#923;&lambda;greek capital lambdaΛ
&#924;&mu;greek capital muΜ
&#925;&nu;greek capital nuΝ
&#926;&xi;greek capital xiΞ
&#927;&omicron;greek capital omicronΟ
&#928;&pi;greek capital piΠ
&#929;&rho;greek capital rhoΡ
&#931;&sigma;greek capital sigmaΣ
&#932;&tau;greek capital tauΤ
&#933;&upsilon;greek capital upsilonΥ
&#934;&phi;greek capital phiΦ
&#935;&chi;greek capital chiΧ
&#936;&psi;greek capital psiΨ
&#937;&omega;greek capital omegaΩ
&#945;&alpha;greek small alphaα
&#946;&beta;greek small betaβ
&#947;&gamma;greek small gammaγ
&#948;&delta;greek small deltaδ
&#949;&epsilon;greek small epsilonε
&#950;&zeta;greek small zetaζ
&#951;&eta;greek small etaη
&#952;&theta;greek small thetaθ
&#953;&iota;greek small iotaι
&#954;&kappa;greek small kappaκ
&#955;&lambda;greek small lambdaλ
&#956;&mu;greek small muμ
&#957;&nu;greek small nuν
&#958;&xi;greek small xiξ
&#959;&omicron;greek small omicronο
&#960;&pi;greek small piπ
&#961;&rho;greek small rhoρ
&#962;&sigma;greek small final sigmaς
&#963;&sigma;greek small sigmaσ
&#964;&tau;greek small tauτ
&#965;&upsilon;greek small upsilonυ
&#966;&phi;greek small phiφ
&#967;&chi;greek small chiχ
&#968;&psi;greek small psiψ
&#969;&omega;greek small omegaω
&#977;&thetasym;greek theta symbolϑ
&#978;&upsih;greek upsilon with hookϒ
&#982;&piv;greek pi symbolϖ
&#8194;&ensp;en space
&#8195;&emsp;em space
&#8201;&thinsp;thin space
&#8204;&zwnj;zero width non-joiner
&#8205;&zwj;zero width joiner
&#8206;&lrm;left-to-right mark
&#8207;&rlm;right-to-left mark
&#8226;&bull;small black circle•
&#8230;&hellip;horizontal ellipsisÂ…
&#8242;&prime;prime = minutes = feet
&#8254;&oline;overline = spacing overscore
&#8260;&frasl;fraction slash
&#8472;&weierp;script capital p = weierstrass p
&#8465;&image;blackletter capital i (imaginary part)
&#8476;&real;blackletter capital r (real part)
&#8482;&trade;trademark symbol™
&#8501;&alefsym;alef symbol = first transfinite
&#8592;&larr;leftwards arrow
&#8593;&uarr;upwards arrow
&#8594;&rarr;rightwards arrow
&#8595;&darr;downwards arrow
&#8596;&harr;left right arrow
&#8629;&crarr;donwards arrow with corner leftwards
&#8656;&larr;leftwards double arrow
&#8657;&uarr;upwards double arrow
&#8658;&rarr;rightwards double arrow
&#8659;&darr;downwards double arrow
&#8660;&harr;left right double arrow
&#8704;&forall;for all
&#8706;&part;partial differential
&#8707;&exist;there exists
&#8709;&empty;empty set
&#8711;&nabla;nabla = backward difference
&#8712;&isn;element of...
&#8713;&notin;not an elementof
&#8715;&ni;contains as member
&#8719;&prod;n-ary product = product sign
&#8721;&sum;n-ary summation
&#8722;&minus;minus sign
&#8730;&radic;square root = radical sign
&#8733;&prop;proportional to
&#8734;&infin;infinity symbol
&#8743;&and;logical and = wedge
&#8744;&or;logical or = vee
&#8746;&cup;union = cup
&#8764;&sim;tilde operator
&#8773;&cong;approximately equal to
&#8776;&asymp;almost equal to = asymptotic
&#8800;&ne;not equal to
&#8801;&equiv;identical to
&#8804;&le;less than or euqal to
&#8805;&ge;greater than or equal to
&#8834;&sub;subset of
&#8835;&sup;superset of
&#8836;&nsub;not a subset of
&#8838;&sube;subset of or equal to
&#8839;&supe;superset of or equal to
&#8853;&oplus;circle plus
&#8855;&otimes;circled times
&#8869;&perp;othogonal = perpendicular to
&#8901;&sdot;dot operator
&#8968;&lceil;left ceiling
&#8969;&rceil;right ceiling
&#8970;&lfloor;left floor
&#8971;&rfloor;right floor
&#9001;&lang;left pointing angle bracket
&#9002;&rang;right pointing angle bracket
&#9824;&spades;black spade suit
&#9827;&clubs;black clubs suit
&#9829;&hearts;black hearts suit
&#9830;&diams;black diamonds suit

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